I have been banned by aloha. Not sure why but happened here http://disq.us/p/271ce7u
Author: Community Member
Who did I personally insult with this post???
I made a post that said: They shot it down by accident like you yanks did the last time you 2 sets of idiots played stupid games. Get your incompetent assholes out of the ME The 2 sets of idiots were America and Iran The Incompetent assholes were American Forces. Where is the…
Requesting clarification of BN&R’s rule against advocating violence.
Advocating violence is not allowed on the channel and will be removed. Threats of harm towards anyone will be dealt with severely up to and including reporting to the authorities. This includes the posting of images of body parts or dead bodies. Here is the rule, as stated in the community guidelines. What I am…
MOD bounced me unfairly
I don’t fight with MODs even when I think they are incorrect. I always accept responsibility for my bad behavior, and generally let the MOD know I accept that responsibility. And I did so in this case as well. What I’m not ok with is being castigated for starting a personal attack based argument when…
“that seems equal to obama getting a nobel for being black…”. Is this racist? Really?
A post that I made, see the title above, was deleted by Navy vet ( Who I actually really respect ) with the claim that it was racist. I know that wasn’t racist, but yet people who read his deletion won’t know what I wrote. It stands on its own. The post was “that seems…
Please ask Texas Patriot to stop harassing me
Texas Patriot is abusing his mod ability to not be blocked by continuing to talk shit to me after I have asked him to stop.
I Did Not Refuse Moderation
Dear Mod Team, This morning, T9R gave me a three day ban for supposedly refusing moderation. I did not refuse moderation. While calling out Manchelle’s obvious lies about traveling overseas, T9R asked me to disengage from that discussion and get back on topic. I replied “fine, but please ask Manchelle to stop following me….”…
What is off topic?
Hello, Quick question and one request please. Threads tend to meander on articles, and this is not really new. But recently a bunch of my comments were deleted and Mark indicated that they were off topic. I’m not sure where that line is; could you shine some clarity on that? I don’t mind them being…
Is promoting suffering not the same as violence?
With Rush Limbaugh coming up in the news from the SOTU, there have been some questionable comments. http://disq.us/p/27497o4 The guy was just diagnosed with lung cancer and is undergoing treatment for advanced stages. I understand the policies regarding public figures, however I recalled this being one of those things that were crossing the lines.
Why am I blocked from certain articles?
Why am I blocked from accessing certain articles? Also, why do I need to login on every single page?