TUS, Do you condemn or commend this comment? “Yeah, but they can’t be “real” Jews. They haven’t celebrated killing Palestinian children yet.” https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2024/08/25/nyu-clarifies-antisemitism-policies-to-include-instances-of-anti-zionism/#comment-6535726156
Author: GayJew
Rawr Anti-Semitism
One of Gaza’s last functioning hospitals is emptying out as Israeli forces draw near “What the fuck has it got to do with you, bignose?” (mod bashing deleted ~ TUS) (mod bashing deleted ~ TUS)
Clarifying Question
On the thread “Ohio State Representative Insists the Democrats are the PRO. LIFE. PARTY.”, Rawr removed the following post due to what he called a personal insult… “You are pro-abortion and you bitch constantly about things the RightWing does that you don’t want them to do. So FUCK OUTTA HERE with your hypocrisy and projection.”…
Lord of light
NYU clarifies antisemitism policies to include instances of anti-Zionism I recently posted a comment about how gays for Gaza should be parachuted into Gaza. It was deleted for violating some rule about violence, even though no violence was mentioned in my comment. These comments by lord of light violate the same rule and need to…
Is using a jpeg with the persons legal name doxxing?
Is it allowed to post a jpeg with a commenters legal first name? http://disq.us/p/3020ofv Everyone now knows I’m followed around by some poor sot who seeks me out all over the internet, as has for years. I thought making comments directly about a person on the thread was not allowed, but I could be wrong….
Racist Garbage: Roma Trash
http://disq.us/p/302he08 It would be great if this racist crap could be removed and the author kindly reminded of the board rules. Thanks.
How can a comment (image) be deleted for being Islamophobia that doesn’t mention Islam or Muslims?
Another day, another angry MAGA mod deleting inappropriately
Hello all, Mark seems quite upset that I point out that his party mates are supporting a rapist felon. Please inform Mark that pointing this out is not a personal insult but a statement of fact. That Republicans have no problem supporting a rapist felon doesn’t make him not one, and those who support him…
Moderator Rule-Breaking
In the thread “United States Pressuring Israel to Pull Out of Gaza, Leave Hamas in Charge“, a Moderator decided that the rules did not apply to him with his name-calling… United States Pressuring Israel to Pull Out of Gaza, Leave Hamas in Charge I respectfully request the post be removed.
Alright, since Darth MJM REFUSES to say which particular part of the post was the pejorative…
Can anyone ELSE enlighten me? GJ was doing his usual “poor me poor me because I’m among God’s chosen people from the elite country of Israel” routine. A different Jewish commenter called him a Nazi. GJ countered that calling Jews Nazis is unacceptable and that Israel is the Jewish state. I said there’d be MORE…