TUS ….. At BN, there’s a guideline for CMs stay on-topic. I understand everyone occasionally has their moments but trolls like Smiley rarely comment on-topic. The mods know he’s a serial offender but fail to act. If you choose not to reign in this abuse of “your guidelines” then you’ll just be driving off posters. A…
Author: JoseM4
Was my post misinterpreted?
My deleted post was: “People die all the time. Get over it,” Sir Tainley deleted this post, and the reason he gave was: “Implying you wish people to die from disease during a pandemic is obscene.” I disagree with his interpretation. I did not wish nor imply for anyone to die. On the contrary, a…
Reinstatement request
It seems that I was banned for posting a meme directed towards Andrew Andrew. It happened here: https://disqus.com/home/discussion/https-breakingnewsandreligion-online/clinton_please_do_not_take_medical_advice_from_a_man_who_looked_directly_at_a_solar_eclipse/#comment-4846435825 The meme was posted in good fun. It was directed towards Andrew Andrew as a comment, as I was replying to their comment to me that implied I was Russian. There was not any moderation attempt by…
Is calling someone stupid allowed
http://disq.us/p/286g7hq Flagged but some other mod cleared it.
Coronavirus / Health Advice / Misinformation
Can we please make and enforce a temporary rule that forbids posts containing alleged “cures” with “100% success rate” regardless of what rag posted that nonsense. ESPECIALLY if it is about chloroquine, the unqualified use of which has already cost the lives of dozens of people? Please, no more BS about this stuff. Thanks.
What warning?
When was I warned? I have no idea what is going on here.
More personal attack from HudsonKV
http://disq.us/p/285e1pv https://theden.breakingnewsandreligion.online/2020/03/23/fauci-on-contradicting-trump-i-just-want-to-get-the-facts-out/ I have flagged yet he still is attacking. The link I posted shows he is breaking the rules correct?
Is It Acceptable to Ask Other Posters If They Are Stupid?
I reported a post (http://disq.us/p/285blyt) in which Enrico Metassa said: Are you as stupid as your posts make you sound? Kimariesings responded to my report (http://disq.us/p/285bwpx), not by censuring Enrico Metassa, but by chiding me for ‘giving my opinion’ about the channel rules! MOD COMMENT He is not breaking the down voting rule, as he…
Tyrone & more personal attacks.
http://disq.us/p/28548mh Isn’t claiming CMs are infected a personal attack?
I made a comment which was deleted. There was no personal attack or any offensive words. There was a quote from: Rule Number 1 for Government Bailouts of Companies: Make Sure Voters and Taxpayers Share in the Upside I’d like to know why it was deleted so I won’t make the same mistake again.