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Author: The Unfuqwiffable Dr. Wombosi
Why is The Call of Nature and Other Bodily Functions so Abhorrent to Religion?
Curious as to why an image I made/posted was marked as spammed. Regards, Christopher
time out for asking for clarity?
I had a post removed this morning and asked the moderator what rule was broken. The “generalization” rule seems to be applied in confusing ways sometimes. I wasn’t trying to be argumentative and I don’t believe my question had any attitude in it, I certainly didn’t intend it to. He gave me a time out…
Double Standards
Sir Loki about Gillette: <i>”Standard MO for Trump-loving hate-monger trolls”</I> This game that you play about what is and isnt a personal attack is just that…….. a game. I was also called a leftist foreigner and told to mind my own “effing” business. Then when these people start losing arguments they fill the top of…
Happy Easter!
Trump Lied People DiedBV Andrew Andrew • 2 days ago Good for them! Blocking this fucking shit funding for the rich is what we need in america…….I get how YOU are ignorant of the facts though . The word ignorant has always been allowed. If for some reason it is not how about a notice BEFORE AA randomly…
Bad Ruling needs a higher authority
A terribly misinformed ruling was made by Mark on a deleted post. I made an excellent case and he was not willing to admit his mistake. I want it pushed up the ladder to someone competent in the english language
Clarification on voting…again
This was already covered multiple times here, but Tainley doesn’t seem to know. He said I was serial DVing. I asked if the rules changed? I gave him a screen shot of Loki explaining the rule. You can DV a person you are in a discussion with. Serial DVing where you aren’t engaged is against…
Post wrongly deleted
Not sure if I posted this the first time so ignore if duplicated. A post was wrongly deleted by t9r for making an accusation. The post makes no accusation what so ever so I have no idea what she thinks she read.
Detected As SPAM
What is the logic behind items which are detected as SPAM. I see the use of memes quite often. However in the past several days I have had several posts removed as they were detected as SPAM. I have even had other pictures which were detected as spam and removed. How is this determined and…
Disclaimer Needed — Correction
It’s actually this thread… FDA warns Alex Jones to stop promoting false coronavirus cures