How is it repeating labels assigned to their supporters by trump and Vance violate the BNR rules? Isn’t it merely stating an indisputable fact that trump or Vance made the claim?
Author: Crazycat
Just dropped by to say thanks for all you guys do. My experience today hasn’t been the greatest, what with OPs being closed then re-opened but not really reopened. But probably the most annoying has been the service interruptions in my ability to post comments. Oddly, my ability to reply to notifications was not interrupted….
Still waiting for my 24 hour ban to be lifted….three days later.
Here in the land that time forgot
Obey being himself again…
Quick question: is it part of the Mod rulebook that Obey is allowed to call people Nazis? (Hitler Youths) Because I find it fascinating what that troll is able to get away with. Anyway, attempt number 73 to hold him accountable to anything.
I thought the rule was clear, but I’m still seeing it broken… this time by a mod.
Why am I banned?
Why am I banned? I didn’t break any rules that I am aware of. I haven’t submitted any additional den posts unwanted by moderators. What’s the issue?
Another Arbitrary and inconsistent application of forum “rules”
So I’m suspended after bringing to the attention of A BNR MAGAMOD an “offensive” racial epitaph. The “offensive” word in question is Negro. The phrase posted by a MAGAT here was “magic negro”. First off, Negro is certainly considered “offensive” as practically any online dictionary entry will attest to: Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages ·…
Use of the “offensively term Negro
The racist label “magic Negro” is springing up here at BNR by the MAGATS and is ignored by the Mods (no surprise since it’s directed at VP Harris). once again the double standard remains intact. I post Uncle Thomas and the ever vigilant MAGAMODS come down on me swiftly and harshly claiming “racism” (ironic). This…
I’ve used this meme before, why am I now banned for it?
So, in my original posted comment, I said this… “.. then, you have real cowards… calls Trump an “idiot” one day, and slobbers Trump’s knob when offered to be Trump’s VP choice…. LMAO! Let’s keep things family-friendly Conservative-Minion I understoond this to be a reasonable request because I used the words “slobbers Trumps knob,” which can…
Pictures of Blood & gore. Not really what I’d like to see, especially given the guidelines against it.
Graphic images of death, gore, blood, feces I’m surprised this post can stand since the blood & gore is so obvious.