Why have I been banned?
Author: BoomerGal
The channel just keeps sinking lower into the slime everyday
Is this comment within BN guidelines? Biden: ‘Republicans May Have Standards, But We Have Double Standards’
Need coorection please
Hey guys/ladies I just posted an article about Trumps false claims but the text came through three times. If you could correct Id appreciate it.
Condemning a person for posting an article
At one point, comments condemning a person for posting an article were deleted. I flagged a comment a few times) but it wasn’t deleted. Have the BN rules been relaxed? How mass murderer Ed Edwards is believed to be the Zodiac Killer and was finally snared by daughter’s Google search
He has previously said he flew to the us in February because his dad was sick. His dad then died and he stood outside of his mom’s nursing home and had to tell her that he couldn’t go to the funeral because of the virus. He then flew back to Europe beginning of March. This…
No one expected this.
Khaled Ahmad killed his father. The article quotes neighbors saying “no one expected this to happen”. I wrote “No one expected Khaled Ahmad would do it?”. My comment was deleted for “Islamophobia”. Neither the article nor any of the comments mention his religion. Please restore my comment.
Public Accusations of Illegal Activity
This has got to stop. The thread is: https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2020/04/15/don-jr-blasts-jim-acosta-for-saying-trump-is-scapegoating-china-for-virus-maybe-time-for-a-name-change-from-cnn-to-xi-nn/#comment-4878101204 Commentator Sr Agri is way out of line, and his (or her) public accusations on BN far exceed forum rules and guidelines. This is not the first time, so I appeal to moderation for some permanent and effective resolution to end it. Thank you.
Suspension expired?
I just posted an article about the death of Brian Dennehy but the photo did not make it through. Can you guys add one please? Thanks
By what amazing stretch of the imagination…
…does this comment… http://disq.us/p/28n6wgc …translate into “Jew baiting and homophobia”? It’s especially perplexing since the same moderator made this comment a few days ago: http://disq.us/p/28epsfp
Posts with attachments going to Spam
Not sure why this is happening, but any posts that I give an attachment just ends up going to spam. Not immediately, but I have several in there now. Can you release and then see if you can fix. Thanks