Navy Vet, upon deleting a post: “Calling someone a hypocrite is an opinion and not necessarily a fact. It is ALSO an insult. ” Very interesting, as in the past I was called a hypocrite, and was specifically told by Loki that that is not a personal insult, and therefore is allowed. Unfortunately, it was…
Author: ED
Judge slams the braks on William Barr…
So, this is acceptable from your mods? ——————- Al Ryan Knight of the Realm Ed • a day ago Your posts suggest that someone has used your head for a speedbag. ———– Not only is it a personal attack, it mockingly suggests metal disability. Perhaps he’s even allow to use “-tard” word, too?
Serial Downvoter
SrAgri is serial down voting me and other people like boomergal on this thread and every thread I have posted on. I want to thank HudsonKV for showing me that downvoting is not allowed and should be reported to the den. Sragri down votes CM’s that he is not even in a conversation with. He…
Disqus notifications not updating
I have noticed today that my comments are not appearing on my profile page. Can you help? Regards Maz
Affirmative action is reverse discrimination
I believe affirmative action is reverse discrimination. At times it results in mistakes because the best qualified candidate isn’t necessarily hired. So I wrote: “Amazing how often Affirmative Action hires turn out to be a mistake” My comment may be racial but it’s NOT RACIST. Are you really going to delete all non-PC comments? Are only…
Lesson learned? 😂
Times up.
Serial downvoting
Best in Moderation has started to abuse the flag feature in a conversation we’re having here: and We have numerous responses back and forth between each other. And about halfway into the conversations, he’s decided to start downvoting just about every single one of my responses. I don’t care about a few downvotes…
Primewonk’s Insults Are Getting Out of Hand
Primewonk is on a tear because the <i>Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary</i> does not include a definition of one of his favorite words – “transphobia”. Therefore, he has been rather hostile to me, but his last comment crossed the line: <blockquote>But you go right ahead and be an ignorant hateful transphobe. I wouldn’t expect anything less from…
I assume calling a CM a pervert is considered a personal attack and not allowed per the Community Guidelines. So is this comment directed at me any different: You sound like Mike Huckabee. And he sounds like a pervert It was a weak attempt to get around the guidelines and, if allowed, will open the…
Sorry to complain. I know it’s been a busy day, but this just seemed egregious. There’s a couple middle comments, but the thread is short.
Acgogo Acgogo FVCKDEPLORABLES • 7 hours ago White folks with guns = always good and noble defenders of their race, so we are told, by white folks with guns. corner Acgogo Acgogo 6 hours ago White folks with guns = always good and noble defenders of their race, so we are told, by white folks with guns. That statement…