Here is my chat with Shawsy. Where exactly is the insult? Shawsy: I haven’t physically attacked any handicapped person in weeks. I had to settle for brainless twerps on the Internet. Spock 101: “I haven’t physically attacked any handicapped person in weeks.” You truly are a liberal. I’m glad you admit that you do in…
Author: Spock 101
Comments Going to Pending
As the title says, all my comments are going into pending status.
Objection to Accusation of Serial Downvoting
This morning, Ubidian Roy (who, ironically, has probably downvoted half the posts that I have ever made on BNR), made a post complaining that I had downvoted him several times in a thread IN WHICH I WAS ACTIVELY PARTICIPATING. Mark agreed with Roy and issued a ban against me. However, this ruling was in…
Serial Down Voting
What’s the official determining factor on serial down voting? On this thread: I made a total of 9 posts on that thread (not counting two which were just made before posting this question) and SrAgri downvoted 8 of them. None of my comments were made in reply to a comment posted by SrAgri. All…
Wombosi Is Insulting Other Posters
Since the flag feature doesn’t seem to working for this one… At the end of a long post in his usual third person schtick, he concluded with: <blockquote><i>Seriously, Adolf, f-off… :)</i></blockquote> The “F-off” part was offensive enough, but his calling me “Adolf” in this context is obviously the same as calling me a Nazi. …
3-Day Ban for Satire
Hello! Navy Vet gave me a 3-day ban for my posting of an image from South Park. It was the one where Randy Marsh appears of Wheel of Fortune, and has a word that he must guess. The word is “naggers” – or “people who nag”. The only missing letter is the letter A. Randy…
The Riots in Minnesota and Communism
I had a comment marked as spam. It was not. I cited sources, please advise on why it was removed from the comments.
I just want to give full disclosure i asked if i was able to have another account and was given the all clear that IT IS ALLOWED provided I do not post in the same thread as my iconice MANchelle profile. This profile also clearly state that i am also MANchelle ie aka MANchelle I…
Doppelganger, again.
WordPress email?
Got an email from WordPress which gave links to my op and a den op then gave links to mod panel with info on pending comments and links to approve as well as delete. Not sure what to make of it. May need Loki to let me know if this is because my op was…