Once more Al is calling posters stupid, and once more he is using his silly game of trying plurals to get around the simple rules. But he messes up and slips, and then we get comments like these: http://disq.us/p/29q9jct http://disq.us/p/29q9btg Overall, he just replies to any comment someone makes by grouping them into something (Democrat,…
Author: Best in Moderation
Is this harrasment necessary and is Bim Now a Mod ?
http://disq.us/p/29q4rfw http://disq.us/p/29q74nf http://disq.us/p/29q74ix http://disq.us/p/29q4r4e
Wondering if this crossed the line.
Well this was said to me was wondering if this was okay. Rightofcenterleft Bamsterman • a day ago Of course you do, it’s the Aryan Brotherhood way…. 6:29 p.m. — Park Police and other law enforcement agencies working the federal officials move closer to protest fence around Lafayette Park. 6:35 p.m. to 6:39 p.m. — Tear gas, smoke,…
Banned but didn’t know it until today
Reinstate please.
Mod-bashing deleted -theunknownsleeper 90Lew90 is now permanently banned for his abusive behavior towards both moderators and other commenters.
David Adams is out of control
When posting an article, David Adams has once again used a Trump meme in lieu of using an appropriate picture. He’s done this before and it takes a mod 24 hours fix it. Already-Obese Average Americans Have Drunk & Eaten Their Way To An Extra 5lbs During Lockdown
Happy Pride to T9R is a one day bankable offense?
Ok here we go I said “Happy Pride” to T9r and he banned me lol Is this serious his response to that is: I can see you decided to ignore my directions about accusing me about being trans. So, here’s what’s happening. You’re getting a nice one day vacation for refusing to follow the directions…
Innapropriate use of “pedophiles”
Seems to be in violation of the rule about using “pedophiles.” I believe the poster in question has been warned in the past. And it has been flagged, but given the questionable nature of flagging lately… Powerful: Protesters Spell Out ‘Love’ With Burning Homes And Businesses Stan the Man Mariam • 5 hours ago I’d…
So everyone is a little touchy?
So I got a funny email and decided to bring it to the Mod team to see if that is normal or if it was something to be concerned about. Apparently my jokes didn’t go over well. Didn’t think it would be something that would get me banned. Obviously I take the security of the…
More Serial Downvoting
https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/2020/05/29/former-mpd-officer-derek-chauvin-has-been-taken-into-custody-in-george-floyds-death/#comment-4932789220 User has down voted me over 75% of my post and some post he was not even in the conversation. He would write something pathetic and then down vote any post I had with me name on it. If 75% of post being down voted is okay then please let me know.