Hello again Andrew sent me the message below but the thread was locked so I couldnt respond so I will respond here … Andrew Andrew Centurion Jeff in Charlotte •3 hours ago• edited Jeff in Charlotte Not a mystery- I have to close 5 OP on you in 2 days. You have been here way to long to be…
Author: Jeff in Charlotte
“Walk the green mile”?
Just seeking a bit of clarity. Recently, a CM suggested that some members of Congress should “walk the green mile”. Now that can mean one of two things: 1. An arduous and inevitable task. 2. The “mile” that a prisoner on death row walks before their execution. Another CM and I sought clarification from the…
Why banned?
Hello I just noticed i have been banned. Any particular reason? Thanks Jeff
Come on guys. Enough is enough.
Enough is enough. Al has now spent the better part of the last two hours harassing me on every comment I make. I don’t reply to his threads, not that he makes any, and he’s not one to contribute articles, which I wouldn’t engage on. Yet all he does is follow me and harass me….
“Apparently the rioting far left filth have an immunity to the Wuhan virus”
This comment is not in violation of any rule, especially in light of some of the terms used to describe supporters of President Trump. http://disq.us/p/29saxkg
Inconvenient Facts
I posted an article from www.Vdare.com that addressed the “statistical fact that African-Americans commit murder at a vastly higher per capita rate than do white Americans”. Protected: How Much More Homicidal Are Blacks Than Whites? 7.4x More Like the Obama Administration Said, or 11.7x More? Is the source on the “unapproved list” or will articles…
All of them
Am I in the doghouse, or is there a disqus bug? All my comments appear to be pending moderation.
TR9 is the biggest puzzy I know…….I wish to be reinstated so I can bash him some more.
Huge rise in unemployment likely to push Americans to the left, experts say
A question I asked to poster Fiscal Guy was removed for being inappropriate. He asked the same question to me yet his post was not removed. Just curious why the biased, inconsistent moderation. Is this NewsViews 2.0?
Questions about the term racist.
I also have a question about modding but it was minor so I hope I can piggy Back on BIM’s Den post. theunknownsleeper you have deleted any comment that was made that calls a person racist. Ergo and per the rules that is not allowed but we have a certain mod that allows it but only…