So, this article was posted: The Party of Treason I thought the article was hilarious so I posted a “Lol!” to it. In response, Andrew Andrew responded to me with “Commie loving f***”. I can only assume he was calling me that. Just wanted to give y’all a heads up about it. The Party of…
Author: danielsangeo
Submitted Religion Article
Hello, I submitted a great article to the religion section yesterday morning and wanted to ask for it to be published or for feedback so it can be published. Thank you, GJ/ILJH
Please post my time sensitive story
I thought I had successfully submitted a story a few hours ago and it’s still not been posted. It’s time sensitive in so much as today is National Cheeseburger Day and Lunch hour for many is fast approaching. Some good deals available out there for lunch today. bottoms Up!
Personal attack on Hemlock?
Hello. I don’t want to bring this up on the article so I’ll bring it up here: Mark just deleted one of my comments, calling it a personal attack on Dr Hemlock: Democrats Express Relief That Hitler Is OK I wrote the following to “Get the popcorn” in response to people making claims: “I called…
My previous post was closed without my clear point being answered
My previous post asked why Loki’s agreement that Obey’s Comment was inappropriate was removed The house cleaning and the circle the wagoins has been done. Is this your resolution?? You cant answer the questions so you call it a Bitchfest (your words) and close it. I am not permitted to partake in the “Celebrating Violence…
Why is the active Den Post on Obey’s inappropriate comments being edited?
At the present Den Post on Obeys inappropriate calls for violence against Democrats and Reporters Primus Plus (loki) made the comment that he would not support comments such as those Obey made. I responded to him. Now not only is my posts deleted (not my place), but so is Primus Plus (Loki)’s This certainly seems…
Andrew on a power trip?
AA posted a series of increasingly unhinged comments, including “Unhinged Democrats like you that are shooting people or trying too.” Then he threatens me with a ban for daring to call him out on his race-baiting memes and his posting of really unhinged comments. Then he bans me for calling him a propagandist. Seems…
Mod crossing the line.
Sad day when a mod says this
Celebrating violence ok?
Hey, I was wondering if this comment is within channel guidelines? I would have just flagged it but understand you do not see flags on Mods Thanks much!! —– Obey MODERATOR 14 minutes ago Gaslighting is all the libturds have I especially like it when liberal politicians and reporters get assaulted It’s funny as fuck
My ban should have expired today (it’s been over 3 days
hi, I still can’t comment. Please unban, thanks!