If someone post pictures to a story and the picture clearly shows the person without having to second guess what the picture is showing, and the poster of the story depicts what we as a nation with laws, depicted a story where the mother of a child, an 8 year old girl, allowed the “man” she is married to to RAPE her daughter, sorry for the yelling, but this type of act just fires me up. As a parent we are supposed to protect our children and not allow for anyone to hurt or rape a child, especially an 8 year old. Perhaps this is welcomed in nations that hate the American way of life, but we don’t need to allow that or protect anyone regardless of skin color.
So now with that, the only thing I did was elaborate on the picture, I described what I was in both pictures and had my posts removed. I don’t see people having their posts removed when they come out and say “White Supremacist”. So I don’t see any difference and feel that I should have my post removed because I described a picture and not a group. If I’m found to be wrong so be it, but I’ve long since quit looking at skin color of good people, I look at reality, and as a minority I take offense to people protecting anyone just on skin color, it’s 2019 and we as a nation need to move on beyond what color my skin is. We need to judge a person by their actions.
Gracias for your time.