Unfortunately, I was not able to get this to the prior thread before it closed, but I would like further clarification on tags. I noticed today that the tag “right wing radicals” was listed under the “most used” tags category on Breaking News.
As far as I can guess, my tags that were deemed to be “editorializing” were “left wing extremistm” and “tyranny.”
“When any government or church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, “This you may not read, this you must not know,” the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives.” – Robert Heinlein
Thomas Jefferson described censorship as “tyranny over the mind of man.”
The tyranny tag, I believe was used on a post regarding censorship, and I feel is utterly appropriate.
The “left wing extremism” tag should certainly be appropriate if “right wing radicals” is a commonly used tag, should it not?
I am asking for clear guidelines so that I can stay within the rules. And, is it really necessary to have strict rules regarding tags? Does anyone pay any attention to them anyway?