1. I have just reviewed BIM’s recent den post and could not help but notice that I was called an ‘asshat’, by a mod. Is this an acceptable term on BNR now? I didn’t know, but will be sure to call all the anti-Semites on BNR asshats since it is appears to be acceptable since a MOD called me one.
2. I am tired of being denigrated as a fake Jew by site moderators and forum owner. If you want my bar Mitvah pictures, at this point I am willing to post them just to make the nastiness and cruelty that is calling me fake Jew stop. I can provide a genealogy chart if you prefer that.
3. It was written that I am one racist comment away from a permanent ban. Why am I one comment I away from a permanent ban while BIM, who insults me repeatedly with absolutely zero consequences, is not one comment away from a permanent ban? Aryan privilege?
4. I am not anti-Muslim. I work with a younger Muslim woman who I admire and whose company I enjoy. In addition to my explaining to her banking concepts, such as what a SWAP is, and proprietary concepts of my financial institution, we enjoy talking about luxury goods such as Moncler. I do not hold an iota of hate for her, or all Muslims, in my heart, and I am tired of being slandered because I dare to criticism those that jail and execute gay people.
5. This site is on its way to being completely devoid of Jews. Alex The Kay left and won’t even come back to explain why he left because the normalization of anti-semitism is so thick here.