A question about moderation on your site:
I replied to a moderator, who essentially referring to me as a “racist” out of the blue, so I asked whether this person would delete my comments if she found them so offensive. Well, I caught a bunch of flak for that, including veiled threats from another moderator who was engaged in the discussion comments.
However, it turns out that I was accurate! This moderator later (after all of these comments) decided to delete my comment with this explanation, even though I was engaged in conversation with this moderator who was not using her “moderator voice” and therefore is “not considered a moderator when they are part of a discussion.”
So what gives? Are moderators allowed to just delete comments that they disagree with at random, and if people think that this is unfair, are they to be punished for pointing this out?
This is pretty egregious, and I hope that someone comes up with a better explanation than “these are the rules” (the usual bullshit). This moderator broke the rules, and it shouldn’t matter that I predicted that she would break the rules, even though that apparently is an impolite thing to do on your site.