Seems i have been the recepient of a cordianted bashing by the mods.
not sure what i did to provoke them.
This has culminated in a banning by T9R same as everytime i get banned.
the final result of my former den post was the lot of them voting together to give me a 3 day ban.
They could have just said you started acting weird you need to take a few days off and i would have excepted that.
I request the arbitration because i was banned for saying that a child in my first grade class was a mongloid the common term for someone with down syndronme at the time.
They determined I had used an insult such as retard in a derogatory manner.
I did not use it in a deragatory manner nor as an insult.
All that is besides the point. not really gonna question the bann.
My request for arbitration is to ask that you please find out what i did to find myself at the end of a cordinated attack by the mods.
all of them went through my comments and pulled everything that could be pulled out of context and the only thing i could see that I had messed up on was calling a GUY a
foul tart
that I could see might be taken as an insult.
I will check back in 3 days to see if I what response i get on this post.
I don’t want to bother you with back and forth i know you got other things on your plate.