You were banned 3 months ago for your insults and attacks against Moderators. Considering that I can see your comments on your open profile… I guess you’re interested in coming back to the channel.
You have a bad habit of pushing guideline boundaries with your smartassness. That is actually not that big a deal to me… plenty of folks do that. However, the difference is that when most of those people get body-checked by a Mod, they take it to the Den, have some kind of discussion about it, learn and move on. That is not what you do… no, every time a Mod interacts with you… it is the Alamo and you typically choose to attack, bait or insult said Mod. Regardless if you were in the wrong or not. That behavior is unacceptable and you will always lose in those situations.
I’ve never had a personal problem with you. In fact, most of the time I think you’re just being a smartass… which I can relate to.
But when you tell Mods to, “suck your dick”… I’m not sure what you expected that outcome to be. Maybe TUS or myself might shrug that shit off… but against our Mods… no way.
So, once again, it has been 3 months since I perm-banned you. Since I’m the one who banned you, TUS left it up to me to decide when or if you will be allowed to return.
I am willing to let you come back. Just know that of all the behaviors, sarcastic comments, insults, etc. that CMs do on the channel… attacking a Mod will not be tolerated.