Why have rules if they are arbitrary?
From the url i posted for this thread: was told i was not allowed to post articles which goes against a den ruling here… https://theden.breakingnewsandreligion.online/2024/06/04/clean-up-in-the-darkgolden-aisle/
“DarkGoldenMan Fred Smith
5 months ago
When community member DGM is on a timeout is author DGM also on a timeout?
Fred Smith DarkGoldenMan
5 months ago
DarkGoldenMan Fred Smith
5 months ago
That makes sense, because OPs contain no personal opinions.
When i have seen the mod in question here routinely spam half a dozen articles at a shot i have to call out the bullshit, and point you to this other den ruling from here…
9 days ago edited
Vancing Queen ©® generally we do not have a limit… but that being said, there are a limit of how many articles can be displayed on a page. If you were to flood the site with articles, you would push out the articles other people post. So you want to keep in mind that it may be disrespectful if you do not spread the articles out. If it is one article every other hour, then you can post 12 per day. It would do no harm. But if you posted 12 all at once, then we would probably trash half of them, and schedule the rest… because we can get annoyed with you after a while.
Just being honest here.”
Quite frankly with the powertripping tp and rawr have with their pet fauxcauses it wouldnt surpise me one bit if this “ask the mods” entry mysteriously vanishes over the weekend along with the one i posted yesterday.