Hi folks,
So Sully is up to his old tricks again. Apparently he thinks that in response to comparing me to the KKK, me saying a MAGA cultist is projecting is a personal insult warranting a 24 hour ban without warning.
This after spending most of the day flagging Hemlock’s constant insults which were deleted but no ban was given.
I’ve stated many times that I do not find Sully capable of moderating fairly. This is just another example of why this is a common belief. If you ban me for this innocuous comment without a single warning but you do nothing on Hemlock or other conservative trolls, it is obvious that there is a bias.
I request you reinstate me and either give clarity on describing people of a cultish persuasion as cultists (which I will follow, if it is so defined as an insult) or tell Sully to maybe cool it with the ban hammer and pay attention to real insults.