It appears that I was banned for three days this past week.
Here’s a link to the allegedly offensive comment. It appears that it was removed.
While I mentioned Obey’s name in my comment, I did not say anything directly insulting about this CM. I was referring to the idea being promulgated in the OP by those such as Obey and Bamsterman that the entire event was a “false flag” operation.
The comment was “It must be fake or Obey would have received an invitation”. Where is the insult in that comment?
Previously, Obey told me directly that I wanted to see black people get killed for my own perverted purposes. When I mentioned it to a mod, I was told that it was not a direct insult.
I think that my comment is much less offensive than telling someone they desire genocide – but what do I know?
I would note that another moderator in that same OP deleted someone else’s comment as an insult – I didn’t see the comment, but I don’t see where the CM was banned for three days.
In summary, Obey got mad at me previously, and doesn’t like me. Obey has made personal attacks against me, and took offence when I made an ironic statement much less offensive and direct than what Obey had said against me. I have noted that Obey has tried to escalate other comments from certain people into offences that could be considered reasons for moderation – I know of two where the accusation was simply false.
In response to my comment, Obey over-reacted and took the egregious step of banning me for three days, where another mod (Texas Patriot) in the same OP was simply deleting personal attack comments without banning.
I see Sir Tainley’s previous OP here in the Den, and note that there appears to be an issue with Obey and Nazi themes. I was not aware of this discussion until my return today, and simply wish to state that fact, in case one thinks that I was piggybacking on an already existing problem with Moderator Obey.
I merely wish to bring this incident to the attention of the Denizens, in case Obey decides to abuse mod authority in the future. The comment does not need to be reinstated. I do not need anyone to travel back in time and return those three precious lost days to me, either.
It appears that I didn’t miss much except the further escalation of homophobia and hatred by our resident right-wingers.