1 – Most recent – RawR deleted my post of a meme of Bill Clinton saying “Its not rape if you are a Democrat” Reason given “Unsubstantiated inference – deleted.”
I ask mods to review the wiki citation where bill clinton – a democrat public figure – was accused MORE THAN ONCE of rape.
Please reinstate this post.
2 – RawR deleted a post of mine two days ago – The article is ”
I’m a Pulse survivor. Rightwing anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric made the Club Q massacre inevitable”
I’m a Pulse survivor. Rightwing anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric made the Club Q massacre inevitable
my comment to the article that was deleted is:
“i call this bullshit…
give an example of “right wing anti lgbtq rhetoric ? and dont use the complaint that the right calls some of them “groomers”… because that’s been proven true by their own admission…”
In accordance to the BNR rules, It says
- No racist, bigoted, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, pedophilic, or incestuous comments/memes.
- Examples of words that are not allowed: homo, tranny, fag, n-words, cracker, etc.
- “Groomer” has been added to BNR’s restricted word list. Moderator discretion will be applied to discern adherence to the spirit/intent of guideline #2.
When I asked for evidence that proved that the right uses lgbtq rhetoric without claiming the right calls them “groomers” – the spirit of my post was benign in nature asking for dialog. As you can see, i did not call someone a groomer. I asked in the open to prove that the right used anti lgbtq rhetoric without using the word “groomer”.
My post speaks for itself as to its intent. I let the moderation go to not waste time in the den. But this is the 2nd over moderation by the same mod that I disagree with. once is a coincidence – twice is a pattern.
I shall accept whatever the den decides. Thanks