Navy Vet gave me a 3-day ban for my posting of an image from South Park. It was the one where Randy Marsh appears of Wheel of Fortune, and has a word that he must guess. The word is “naggers” – or “people who nag”. The only missing letter is the letter A.
Randy guesses wrong, and is ostracized nationally for his incorrect guess.
Seeing all of the hatred and bile being put forward towards people who are black, by people like Hamburger Helper, I thought this would be an apt satirical response to such blatant racism.
Maybe I was wrong. Maybe it was too much, but I made a recent inquiry about the use of the word “sissy” in an OP, and was told that I was overreacting to satire. I also told a mod that I see the phrase “throwing a hissy fit” being used a lot when talking about gay people objecting to anything, and I didn’t think it was appropriate. He simply laughed at the idea.
So – I didn’t use an offensive word in my comment, but I used an image that could be mistakenly construed as that word. That was essentially the point of the satire in the original South Park episode. For this I received a 3-day ban.
I ask you to reconsider this ban, since this was a satirical image, and there is much worse actual racism being stated on BNR than the satirical image.