Guidelines for The Den
Welcome to the resolution channel for the Breaking News & Religion website.
Are you unsure as to why your discussion was closed? Wondering why a comment was deleted? Have you been banned and believe the ban was unwarranted? Maybe you’ve been banned and would like to know if it’s permanent, and if so perhaps you’d like to make a case for reinstatement. Well this is the place for it. Post a respectful question here, and we’ll try to clear things up for you. Please limit your activity to ONE post and do not open another if your request is placed on hold or closed by a moderator.
The operative word here is resolution. If you are coming here to simply carry on a tirade and/or bash the mod, then you will be banned until such a time as you can continue in a calm and rational manner!
Complaint discussions are restricted to the complainant(s), relevant people involved and the moderation team. All other comments will be removed without explanation.
Downvoters will be banned!
This is our complaint resolution channel. We appreciate your co-operation!
– theunknownsleeper