So Obey is on a tear today, and decided to spam all over the forum that I want to murder protesters. I called his posts pathetic, and told him that if he had a problem with me calling what he was doing trolling, he should go to the den.
Then Mark comes and states that me telling him to do that is a reason to ban me, despite me agreeing to cool it down. He went back through all the posts where I told Obey to stop whining and take it here.
I don’t understand how you can allow his harassment and spam and then take umbrage when I call him a troll, which is precisely what he is and not a violation here. I did not do it excessively, despite his many spam posts accusing me of wanting to murder people.
I ask for an overturning of Mark’s call here. I did not personally attack him nor did I advocate for violence. Unlike Obey, who not only called many people liars straight out but also continues to advocate practices which will get people killed.