I have mixed feelings about posting this, but I didn’t want to start it up in the channel itself, so here goes:
Forums are hard. I modded one a while back, and deciding what to allow and what not to basically makes or breaks the place. BNR has been largely successful because it keeps looking at items and changes when it needs to, and because of this Den where people can talk about bans, deletions etc and be taken seriously by the moderators. I really appreciate that, as I know many others do as well.
There are days however when the clash of rules and exceptions is, pardon the pun, nakedly stark (double pun!).
On this article
We have this comment from longtime provocateur Hamburger Helper:
And we had a post with a picture that contained nipples from Ubudian Roy that got deleted
I agree that the latter was strictly against the rules, but I do have to wonder how in a space of two comments, genocide was deemed ok but nipples were not.
Now, maybe there’s too much Dutch in me that I am not shocked by nipples, and have a sensitivity to genocidal rantings, but I find it rather strange nonetheless, and thought it might be a good topic to discuss for you.