Joe M R.N. (, who says that he is a nurse, has been rude and abusive toward people of late over COVID-19, even making statements about other CM’s dying from the disease.
<blockquote><i>So? So, Rush Limbaugh has stage IV lung cancer. He’s next.</i></blockquote>
This one might be considered borderline, since he doesn’t directly state that he <u>wants</u> Rush Limbaugh to die.
<blockquote><i>No. It’s not. That last entry was evidence that God is punishing us for having an asshole for a president. I’ll tell him you what, Jose. Why don’t you go to church on Sunday and your priest will offer you a Jesuscracker crawling with death. And then you can wash it down with a gobblet of Jesusblood swimming with coronacritters. If it’s a hoax then you get to prove us wrong. If not then maybe God will protect you but he hasn’t protected us yet. Go ahead. Tempt fate. My money’s against you.</i></blockquote>
<blockquote><i>then do us all a favor. Go join Devin Nunez at the pub and take a DEEP BREATH?</i></blockquote>
<blockquote><i>With that attitude we can expect in excess of 4 million deaths.
Start digging. One of those graves could be yours.</i></blockquote>
I’ve reported these posts, but that doesn’t seem to be working for some reason.