Repeating memes & calling OP Tokyo Rose = Traitor repeatedly? Gotta be spamming, right? Posted on 2020-03-302020-03-30 by Smiley US Showdown 😂😂 SMILEY Baba Yaga 😂😂 • 18 hours ago Project much? Perhaps you should update your profile to a pic that better reflects your behavior during this US National Crisis……. US Showdown 😂😂 SMILEY Baba Yaga 😂😂 • 17 hours ago You’re still posting anti-American lies during a national crisis like Tokyo Rose? Woodrow Wilson was correct about the anti-American ilk like you. <blockquote> Seems like a lot of personal attacks, meme spamming, & generally telling CMs they can’t discuss Trump. Closed