I typically don’t come to the den but I was surprised to see a mod delete my post, accuse me of homophobia, simply because of their one homophobic stereotypes that they apparently hold.
The person I responded to was going on about Trumps hair, make up, and appearance. they made several posts in that same vein.
I asked if hair and make up was a passion of theirs, made ZERO reference to their sexuality, had no idea of their gender identity…. and then T9R came along and equated men’s fashion with gay men (a very poor stereotype in my opinion) and removed my post for homophobia… promoting a stereotype as their justification.
I think their stereotype should be removed, a persons passion for clothing is not an indicator of their sexuality. I’m a straight man and I love fashion, and I know gay men who actually shop at kohl’s. If we allow T9Rs homophobic stereotype to stand when will it end?