I want to point out that I am only here because moderator Debra insisted on it.
Fred Smith has been harassing me for a long time now, and when confronted about it in our very first ever encounter pointed out that because he is a moderator, I can not block him and just have to live with it.
I do not have the time to present links here, as the only thing needed is this one:
Fred Smith – after I pointed out that he was in possible violation of the law with his behavior – actually stayed away from me, which must be seen as an admission of guilt.
Here’s where he admitted to this: ”
Well, when you accuse someone of stalking you for replying, they stop replying…note, I stopped replying to you 6 days ago. Were the 6 days of silence harassment?
You seem to be complaining about a lack of replies now?” https://disqus.com/home/discussion/https-breakingnewsandreligion-online/it_has_gotten_way_worse_racist_bullies_increasingly_quote_trump_while_tormenting_minority_kids/#comment-4795286136
An attempt to gaslight me, as my post clearly pointed out that he was habitually harassing me with his off-duty comments.
The last straw was today.
Fred Smith sent me a mod comment in ALL CAPS, BOLD AND UNDERLINED.
This showed up in my inbox, and I can’t deny that it was scary.
He then edited the post to look normal, and then DENIED having edited the post, even presenting a screenshot he made of the edited post.
Then he admitted that he had posted the post as I described, but insisted that he had not lied, as he had edited it “immediately”.
So either he doesn’t understand how an inbox works – I saw this post in bold pop up in my notifications for like half a day – or he is again trying to gaslight me.
He’s been told numerous times to not address me in private. He doesn’t stop. Usually the moderator team tells me to block, and he informed me that I can’t, or I get banned.
Last time I told him to stop or I would ask for a general ruling for problems like these here in the Den. And THAT was the same day he actually stopped. At which point I did not pursue the matter further, until he sent me this totally over-the-top bold-faced post, and then tried to hide that fact.
So, to sum this up:
You have a mod who claims to separate his private and mod comments.
In his private comments, though, he points to users being unable to block him.
When asked to stop addressing me ( https://disqus.com/home/discussion/https-breakingnewsandreligion-online/us_kills_top_terrorist_leader_of_al_qaeda_in_the_arabian_peninsula_trump/#comment-4787125479 ), he replied:
“I am not stalking you…you keep replying to me in an open forum.” https://disqus.com/home/discussion/https-breakingnewsandreligion-online/us_kills_top_terrorist_leader_of_al_qaeda_in_the_arabian_peninsula_trump/#comment-4787129590
or “No thanks….you are free to ignore my CM comments.” https://disqus.com/home/discussion/https-breakingnewsandreligion-online/us_kills_top_terrorist_leader_of_al_qaeda_in_the_arabian_peninsula_trump/#comment-4787109342
I see here a clear abuse of moderator privileges. A moderator stalking me under the false pretense of keeping his roles separate, while mixing up the two anyway, and then covering up a post that was definitely suited to scare people.
Will the moderator team do something about this? Is this finally a line you will not cross?
If not, will someone make my ban permanent again? Because I sure as brimstone don’t intend to share a forum with people who condone this behavior for even one nanosecond.