Nancy Pelosi’s SON Implicated in Biden Ukraine Pay for Play Corruption
MANchelle’s obsession with my gender is no secret, but this is something new, now it is defamation that MANchelle is into.
For the last few days and without any reason whatsoever, MANchelle has pursued me across threads with the totally unfounded accusation of using two accounts, in particular one “Eric Blair” who I had never heard of before.
Since having a sock puppet account would be a bannable offense, this false accusation is now looming over me with the possibility of a ban, like it happened to BestinModeration.
MANchelle even went so far as to mention me in a way that would get me notified in the thread in the Den that they were now going to harass me with this.
The repeated same posts about me allegedly being a man – some examples are linked to above – are spam as well, but this new obsession borders on stalking.
Add to that the totally false accusation (or rather demonstrably factually wrong information supplied only by MANchelle) that I had been away from Breakingnewsandreligion, when in reality I have been around daily, and what you have is a case of harassment that has been going on too long already.
Now, I do not want to hear that always same bit of advice that one can block people. What good is that when I’m being accused of having a sockpuppet account and could get banned? The only difference would be that I wouldn’t even know why I was banned.
Please act. A warning would most likely suffice.
Thank you for your time.