Hi Mods
The new categories are interesting.
If you’re going to have a “Perspectives: Politics” category it seems you’re interested in distinguishing op-ed material from reported news. I’m all for it. However, if it’s left up to individual Authors to make this distinction, I anticipate there will be a lot of inconsistency.
For instance, as of now, there are still some pieces under the Breaking News category that I would consider op-ed and should go under “Perspectives.” These, for example:
Full disclosure, I didn’t read much past the first few lines of those pieces. But I like to think I can tell a news report from an editorialization pretty quickly. Also, some sources are going to be purely op-ed or punditry and should always go in that category. “Gateway Pundit” tells you what it is right in the name.
Of course, if the categories are more a suggestion than a strict rule and you don’t mind some inconsistency, that’s a different story. But if that’s the case I’d say you’re better off without the “Perspectives: Politics” category.
That’s my two cents. I appreciate the owner and mods keeping on top of things and trying out new categories. Thanks for your time.