This additional post is not about disregarding your decision, but merely about – and Wombosi has seen this and remarked on it before – your (as in mods in general) tendency to close den threads too quickly.
Most of us have other things to do and it usually takes several hours for initial responses here, so closing 30 min. after a mod response is a bit too fast.
So here is for JM, what Wombosi could not add to the other thread anymore, but what he thinks he needs to hear/read, regardless of his decision…
Here is the catch 22 you are missing:
If HH posted this picture with full knowledge of the background story, it would be distasteful and reason for deletion.
If HH posted this picture without that knowledge, it is just a picture of a person (Wombosi can show you two dozen pictures of cis women looking more androgynous then her), who is not a public figure suggesting for her to be a “sleazy whore”,and in turn making it a reason for deletion.
Again, HH only knows about this woman being a transgender, because she was murdered. It uses this tragic fact to insinuate that transgenders are “sleazy whores”.
Just imagine for a second that this would be a friend or relative of yours, that she was murdered and now you would have to see her face associated for no reason,other than the bigoted self-gratification of HH, with the term “sleazy whore”.
You noticed That Wombosi did not object in any way to her calling the Dem congress woman by that name, because there is a case for that to be made – as puritan and misogynistic it may be – and because she is a person of current public interest.
This murdered transgender is neither. We cannot just pretend that the rights of those posting here are the only one that matter. There are other people that are or at least might be affected.
So,please, be a Mensch and do the decent thing here…
One additional note: Rudy Giuliani is NOT a transgender and his picture is NOT that of “another trans”. It is an old picture of a current member of the Trump team in drag.