Try holding up a sign in a Muslim majority area of London with some of the God hating perverted shit you smear across these pages…and I’d give you a genuine estimate of about between 3 to 5 mins before you experienced a rapid and extreme onset of full blown ‘Islam’O’phobia’…experiencing loss of teeth,facial integrity,bowel control and very likely blood leaking from and extra orifice developed for you by the locals.
You’re talking about the difference between at the most a bit of shoving to literally risking your life.
Some parts of London are feral and Muslim areas like tower Hamlets contain a lot of illegal migrants many Muslims..mix that with a youth knife culture
If CeeBeeDa went down there after dark with some of the God/theist hating shit he smears across these pages.on a placard…I’ll guarantee you he would develop rapid full blown ‘Islam’O’phobia’ within minutes.
But thanks for the deflective whataboutism