This seemed like something that should be directly asked to the Moderation team, rather than in an off-topic comment on one of the news posts. If this is an inappropriate venue for this request, I apologize.
I seem to recall in the first week or so that BN was moved to it’s own URL after Disqus shut the communities down, a call went out for creators/moderators of other displaced Disqus communities to post links to their new homes, with the idea that we would link to each other’s pages, to kind of form at least a loose community of former Disqus sites. If the Moderation team is open to the idea, I would request that the following site get added to the Links section:
It is the home of the former NFL Chatters Disqus community, and as you can see, in our “Other Disqus Sites” page, we already list BreakingNewsAndReligionOnline, among other communities.
NFL Chatters is a non-political site (unless the political talk directly relates to something football related), as the moderation team, including myself, understand that football fans are made up from members of every demographic.