Can I get a clarification on this post? I am not at war with any poster on this board. There is not victory here because the poster still gets post racist shit. Even though we all agree that we have different opinions why is t a victory for me to pint out an extremely racist post? I understand my post was wordy and I looked back at all the post this board has had since creation and none of them have been deleted for the reason mine was although dozens of post where more wordy and long? Should I have paraphrased it?
What does it mean “Jose has you on this one.” I am not in battle with Jose….I will flag racist crap no matter who post it.
Let me perfectly clear. Mark saw a flagged comment and found a rule it broke….I am not disputing that….I just hope mods do not think us posters are at war with each other. We should ALL hate and battle racism.