On the OP entitled “Federal Judge Halts California Law,”
Sir Tainley keyboards, “My opinion is very worthwhile! Look: if we ever need an opinion on… I don’t know… what do you do? I want to say hide in people’s sheets then come out at night to suck blood?… we’ll come to you.
“But for now, I’m a highly qualified member of the judiciary, supported to my position by a majority of Senators, and you’ll need to show more respect for what I have to say. You asked what my qualifications were to opine on the constitution: I’ve provided them!”
“Again: I’m a supreme court justice, my opinion on constitutional matters is very important. Much more important and qualified than yours.
“Obviously I can’t disclose my precise identity… but I promise my years of studying at Yale and interning with Justice Kennedy, not to mention my time serving on the circuit bench make my opinion much more superior to yours on this subject.”
The above misrepresentations render Sir Tainley unfit to serve as moderator and appropriate action should be taken.
I look forward to a response, as I do not wish to go public with this.
Robert Allen